In the Spring it is Kansas, then Summer begins with our longest road trip - to Sensei Stoner's Dojo in Pennsylvania. Like our Kansas / Missouri friends, Mr. Stoner and his group have meant a great deal to us as we have worked to establish Itosu-Kai in Minnesota, and our friendship goes back many years. In addition to the tournament and seminars with Shihan Demura, this years event featured
instruction by Sensei Kazuhiko Hosaka in Toyama Ryu Batto-Do.

Also in  May and June, Minnesota black belt Bill Price, who lives in Western Australia, visited
Winona to care for his mother during her final
illness. Margaret Price passed away at the end of May with Bill and his four brothers by her side.

As soon as we get back from Pennsylvania, it is time to buckle down and work to get ready for Shihan Demura's visit to
Minnesota and our annual event. Planning starts well in
advance, but in June we really have to kick into high gear to get ready.  Hosting an event like this really makes you appreciate the effort made by groups like Kansas and Pennsylvania when they hold their events. It is much easier to drive somewhere and
attend an event than host one at home!  We try to improve every year in order to make our event one which Shihan
Demura can be proud of. Each year we receive tremendous support from Itosu-Kai members from across the country - this year people attended from California, Kansas, Missouri,
Oklahoma, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Denise Nguyen, Debi Bain and Jared Bain traveled from California
with Shihan Demura.