Youth Day Demonstration

Minnesota Itosu-Kai members gave several demonstrations of
Karate-Do and Batto-Do as a part of the Youth Day Celebration, held Saturday, September 22 at the Winona Middle School. Sponsored by Winona National Bank, the event included the DARE Chili Cook-Off. Demonstrations and exhibitors included several professional skateboarders, Winona Aviation and Winona Canoe. The event was well attended - my mid-afternoon the
Middle School concourse was packed!
Thanks to everyone who participated:

Fritz Speck, Nick Duchateau, Bob Pflughoeft,
Nathan Pflughoeft, Walker Robeson, Ryan Stoa,
Dave Evenson, Cody Evenson, Aixa Evenson, Amanda Poulin, Gail Johnson, Bryan Richter,
Shubham Debnath and Seth Johnson.

Richmond McCluer,
Shubham Debnath,
Seth Johnson,
Gail Johnson,
Bob Pflughoeft

Mr. Speck
demonstrates kick with Nick Duchateau
Bottom left:
demonstrating kihon
Bottom Right: