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The seminar was taught by Master Katsushi Iwabuchi of Hakua-Kai, who traveled from Japan especially to present this seminar. Master Iwabuchi was assisted by his long-time student Bernard Edwards of San
Francisco. Master Iwabuchi started by explaining the importance of good technique, and how good technique will stay with you even after you lose your power and speed. Master Iwabuchi went on to demonstrate
several techniques that focused on using Tai Sabaki (body shifting) and Ashi Sakabi (foot shifting) to avoid an attack and move to an advantageous position for a counter attack. Participants got a chance to learn each
technique one at a time and practice with a partner. Master Iwabuchi and Sensei Edwards made
corrections and showed refinements to each technique. The seminar finished with a chance for partners to demonstrate the techniques they had learned.

Demura Sensei, Edwards Sensei and Iwabuchi Sensei share a long, close friendship in Karate-Do. Demura Sensei has taught several seminars on Kobu-Do in the San Francisco area with the assistance of Edwards Sensei. During the Karate-Do tournament, Iwabuchi Sensei made a special awards presentation to David Hines, Bennie Sorentino, Tom Shinoda, Kevin Suzuki and Thanh Nguyen for their assistance in promoting and preserving traditional Kobu-Do.

Demura Sensei introduces
Iwabuchi Sensei

Above: David Hines receives special award from Iwabuchi Sensei,
Edwards Sensei
Left: Iwabuchi Sensei demonstrates with the assistance of David Hines and Bernard Edwards
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